
NASA revealed the launch plan for Viper, his first lunar mobile robot

NASA plans to send volatile to investigate the Polar Exploration Rover (Viper) to the moon in 2023, the space agency has been announced. This will be his first cellular robot, NASA said, and it will be assigned to explore the most extreme area of ​​the moon surface. The aim is to map resources found around the south pole of the moon, which may be harvested by one day astronauts.

Viper will be the first bastard to display the headlights, according to NASA; They will be the main tool for exploring the dark area of ​​the moon. The space agency notes that the area overshadowed by the lunar surface has been hidden from the sun during billions of years, the mystery shield and the human resources only begin to explore.

NASA plans to launch a cellular robot towards the end of 2023. After arriving, the small rover will look for the moon crater using four instruments, including ice drill, hammer, mass spectrometer, and close infrared spectrometers. Viper replaces the Prospector NASA resource is canceled again in 2018, and it will be better prepared for the job.

NASA said that it would test the initial version of this instrument on the month before Viper to help ensure they would do as expected. Rover has a specially designed suspension system and wheel that will allow it to handle various types of soil and various slopes on this crater.

Viper plays a key role in the Overall Artemis NASA program, with the Sarah Noble scientist’s mission program explaining:

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