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A Park Ranger in California found the petrified forest filled with fossils

A parking ranger in California works in a petrified forest and finds prehistoric fossil treasure. Among the fossils found on the site are mastodon skulls that are very well preserved and the remains of large salmon weighing 400 pounds. Paleontologists say that this is one of the most significant fossils found in all California.

The Ranger Park who found the site realized that he was in a petrified forest when he saw something looked like wood but smooth like a rock. Ranger said that he realized when he saw one end exposed that he could see the tree ring in it that he stood in the petrified forest. Quick search reveals more petrified trees, and after returning for several weeks for additional surveys, Ranger finds vasteful fossils.

After finding fossils, Ranger reached out to paleontologists and geologists, who quickly found the tip of the pearl bone when they took out the surrounding stone. Finally, they found that a little bone was a mastodon skull that was very preserved. Working for the past year, paleontologists have revealed hundreds of animal specimens which are dozens of different species in the petrified 600 forest.

The fossils that have been found so far include giant salmon, extinct camels who are the size of a giraffe, and a gomphere, ancestor elephant. Remnants of rhinos, giant turtles, horses, and other creatures have also been found in the area. Scientists believe bones may be brought to the region by flooding, and debris from the flow of lava further into the interior.

When a extinct creature life, Paleontologist said the area would be an Oak forest surrounded by ancient sea. Paleontologists keep the location being excavated to be a secret to prevent anyone to loot it. Mastodon skull will be on display at the Science Gateway Museum later this fall.

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