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Skywatchers have the opportunity to see the ISS zip across the sky tonight

Akham’s backyard tonight has a chance, weather allows, to see the international space station flying across the sky. Iss must be easily recognized with the naked eye because it is the third brightest object in the night sky, and continues to move. The ISS will look like an airplane when passing overhead, but it will move much faster.

It is not always easy to see the ISS with the naked eye because it varies at a height above the ground. However, last night (Saturday) and tonight (Sunday), ISS orbits at a height which makes it easier to find with eyes without help. For those who want the opportunity to see the pass overhead ISS, you can use the “Spot The Station” website specifically designed to help amateur astronomers look at the space station when passing overhead.

This website is very easy to use and will give you a special customized display instructions for your city. If you live in a city, you have to find an area without light pollution where as far as possible. When you enter your zip code, the website will tell you the direction of the cardinal and how many degrees above the horizon can see the space station when passing.

The NASA graph provides you to give you the ideal time to see the ISS in your area, the maximum time of the space station will be seen before falling under the horizon, the height is measured in degrees, and where in the night sky will first be seen and where in The night sky will disappear. NASA also has an amateur astronomer warning can register to tell them when the ISS will pass.

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