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Logitech CEO warns of chip deficiency can take place next year

Logitech has joined the voices of growing pessimistic technology companies that see global semiconductors that are ongoing next year.

Bracken Darrell, Chief Executive Officer Logitech, told Swiss outlet FINANZ UND WIRTSCHAFT that while several sectors could see the lack of chips in the early three to six months, other industries would continue to face silicon shortages to 2022.

“Like everyone else, we have felt a shortcomings, but we can help it well,” Darrell said. “It takes time to increase production but in the meantime, the price has also been adjusted.”

The computer peripheral giant has switched to additional suppliers, Darrell said according to Reuters, because many of their current suppliers have not been able to meet demand.

Is the lack of semiconductor ongoing?

Logitech has added his voice for IBM, Intel, Nvidia, and TSMC in a warning that silicone gluts will now be more protracted than expected by many people, but there are several silver layers here. For the Darrell record, some industries will see shortcomings to 2022, but not all.

Among the biggest victims of the lack of chips have become a car manufacturer that cuts orders last year because of a pandemic, according to Harvard’s business review. This frees up a lot of capacity for it and consumer electronics that have been locked in orders that will divert the fabrication path immediately.

Although this is a terrible news for the automotive industry which now needs to be rotated after the late, the chip that does not end in this year’s car will enter the graphics card and other computer equipment. It, taken along with recent accidents in the price of cryptocurrency, can mean that more supply of the best graphics cards and consoles like PS5 and Xbox X series | S can be coming soon.

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