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Activision Bans 350K Call of Duty Accounts in Hard Action Large Toxicity

Activision is cracking down to poison and racist behavior in the game calling for his latest duty. As part of this effort, the company said that it has banned more than 350,000 accounts for toxic behavior (as reported by other players) or to use racist names. Among other things, the company has added new ways to capture this behavior and get rid of unwanted accounts.

The crackdown has occurred over the past year, according to Activision, and this involves the latest hits and the largest: Warzone, modern warfare, cold war ops black, and even call duty: Mobile. Accounts are blocked based on the combination of reviewing the database and reporting news players from other players.

In addition, the company said that he had launched a new game filter that could identify offensive profiles, usernames, and clan tags, as well as new systems to filter text chat messages. This filter is now there for 11 different languages. The company said this was just the beginning, and that he had more planned features.

Activision said it would increase its efforts in various categories, including adding additional technology to capture toxic, racist, and sexist behavior, dedicating more resources to detect and enforcement efforts, increase transparency with the duty community, and offer reviews’ consistent and fair from various policies Enforcement, among others.

The company also states that it will take steps to overcome toxic behavior in sound chat, and expand moderate capabilities and players to report other players for this content and behavior. Activision said as part of his announcement, “We know we have a long way to achieve our goals. This is just the beginning. Overcoming this is a sustainable commitment that we will wireless.”

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