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Airbnb added a more flexible search option

When people think about traveling again, Airbnb has released the big improvement of the website and its application. In the middle of the redesign is focusing on flexibility. The building on the company’s features began to continue in February, next time you look for a place to live, you don’t need to specify the right date set. Instead, you can tell Airbnb you want accommodation where you can go for a weekend, vacation a week or a full month.

In the spirit of the same flexibility, the application will display a house that falls right outside the parameters of your search to highlight some of the best platform properties. And if what you want is to find an interesting place to stay, you can use a flexible destination feature to a list of surfaces such as boat trees, boats and cabins. Elsewhere, Airbnb has tweaked the checkout process to make it faster. This has done some work to make cancellation policies easier and review is more useful.

For the host, Airbnb has redesigned the onboarding process to make it faster to add property. What is used to involve dozens of different steps, the company has now been flushed to 10. When you add photos to your list, the application will automatically set it based on “Guest Appeal.” It will also offer text advice to help you write titles and descriptions. And if you live in the US, Airbnb can automatically draw from real estate information available to the public to fill details such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms in your room.

The new Airbnb features are most interesting for people who want to go and are not special about the purpose. At least in the US, the travel industry began to recover after it was difficult to beat at the beginning of the pandemic, and people took advantage of easing restrictions.

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