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Yutu-2 rover China prepares to get up and continue with exploration

May have been a big month for China when it comes to space exploration. This country recently announced that it had landed successfully on the surface of Mars. China has also announced that Yutu-2 Rover is preparing to get up and continue to explore the far side of the month. Yutu-2 was on the far side of the month since January 2019 and has completed 29 days of activity on April 23, 2021.

China places landers in the state that is not active on April 19, right in front of the sunset. Yutu-2 is powered by solar energy, and the hostel country is to help protect the rover from the lowest -290 degree fahrenheit. Rover and Lander will wake up from their hibernation this month after sunrise than Rover and Lander at the location of their landing at the Von Kármán crater.

Yutu-2 has traveled northwest from its landing point and has crossed 2325 feet since landing, collecting data along the way. Rover has a panoramic camera, month penetration radar, and infrared imaging spectrometer that is visible and close. Rover has six wheels and weighs 310 pounds, and has found several different layers of stone below the surface of the moon.

Scientists believe the stone layers are created by volcanism and asteroid attacks. Rover also observed the material delivered from the nearest crater, such as the Finsen crater. China believes that its explorers can be critical in determining the history of surface evolution in the moon and tracking sources of surface material found by Rover.

Chinese scientists chose landing locations for Yutu-2 because they believed the events that created a basin could dig a stone from under the crust of the moon, and the material could help reveal some mysteries about the moon.

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