
AT & T to combine warnermedia with discovery

Verizon recently sold the media business that was not right, including AOL and Yahoo, to the giant owner of the Las Vegas Resort. Now one of the biggest rivals in the telecommunications market is doing something similar even though with a slightly different round. AT & T is now reported in talks to spin a rather large media business in an agreement that can see Harry Potter and Batman on the same large vessel as the discovery channel and food tissue.

After almost two years of arguing with regulators, AT & T was finally cleaned to obtain Warner Time Warner in 2018. Three years later, now a tip to spin to combine it with a large TV and cable company, discovery. Both of them are currently struggling in the increasingly streaming-centric world, even though both have some franchises and the largest nature in the world below.

WarnerMedia is home to HBO, CNN, TNT, TBS, and, of course, Warner Bros., the latter has so many shows and films with their names. On the other hand, most discovery has nonfiction programs and channels such as discovery, HGTV, food tissue, and animal planets. If combined, the new Empire will cover both sides of the TV entertainment coin and can indeed become a threat to the dominance of Netflix and Disney + new.

This agreement is expected to be made on Monday and, if true, will represent the complete face of the network operator that has invested a lot in this media business and HBO MAX streaming services itself over the past few years. However, behind the scenes, AT & T has undergone heavy debt to purchase a $ 81 billion Time Warner.

Of course, the deal can still fall and will submit to more supervision from the regulator than the initial acquisition of AT & T is. This step is also an indirect entrance ticket by AT & T and Discovery, both of which have their own streaming services, that they fight against the current generation of cable cuts and giant streaming. However, whether the combined nature will be enough to change customers in their direction, however, it still has to be seen, consider the merger even approved from the start.

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