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CNA Ransomware reportedly landed a payment of $ 40 million

There are no new ransomware and target individuals and large companies. Not like with smaller infections, however, we often don’t hear how it is, especially with large companies that charge millions of dollars to free their files. Just like with any rating, the authorities prevent them from paying for further behavior. It turned out that one of the biggest US insurance companies might not notice that warnings and may have paid a large amount to get out of the ransomware situation.

It was a new last parade when CNA based on Chicago, which also offered cyber insurance, ironically, was hit by a ransomware. Investigation leads to malware known as Phoenix Locker and Hacking Group Phoenix. Phoenix Locker is believed to be a variant of Hades Ransomware made by Syndicate Cybercrime Russia Sindicate Evil Corp approved by the US in 2019. The Phoenix hacking group is not under US sanctions, at least not yet.

It was reported that the group demanded $ 60 million from CNA to free encrypted files. On May 12, the company explained that customer data, especially those related to notes and claims, were not affected by the attack. The source that is familiar with the problem claims that CNA officials are locked from their network instead.

That said, the source of Bloomberg revealed that CNA paid a ransom just a week after ignoring the demands. Despite not paying what the hackers demanded, it did spend $ 40 million to pay for the valuable files. Naturally, CNA will not comment on paying the ransom and confirms it follows all the laws and guidance on handling this problem.

However, if it is proven to pay that amount, it will be the highest payment of Ransomware so far, at least we have heard. The possibility of some companies may indeed pay demands against authority advice. They may be better off storing it under wrap than CNA.

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