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South Korea is the latest country to join Artemis NASA Actemis

NASA has announced that South Korea is now among countries that have signed an artemis agreement, joining other countries such as Britain, UAE, Japan, Canada, Australia, and more. Access Artemis put forward a series of principles that countries will follow, including everything starting from the release of public data to our secure and peaceful exploration.

NASA first announced Actemis in October 2020 with a total of nine countries, including the US. South Korea is the 10th country to join and the first to do under the Biden government, who anticipates that other countries will also sign an inner artemist agreement in the future ‘months and years.’

Actemis Actemis was established to ‘guide the cooperative activities in the future, “NASA has announced, explaining that the agreement includes things like all peaceful artemist program activities, interoperability between participating nations, agreements to display emergency assistance if necessary, agreement for Following the registration convention, safe disposal of debris generated from artemis activities, and more.

In a statement about South Korea’s decision to sign the Artemis agreement, NASA’s new administrator, Senator Bill Nelson said:

I am very happy, the Republic of Korea has committed to Actemis. Their signature shows strong momentum throughout the world in supporting the exploration approach month to Mars. Partnering in inner space will ensure our mission is carried out in accordance with important universal principles, such as transparency, safety, and peaceful exploration, which is very important to ensure a safe, and prosperous future in space for all.

NASA aims to work with space agents that emerge in addition to older and more established partners, noting that doing so will make the artemis program profitable globally while improving program capabilities.

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