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Ways to ensure marijuana you have a perfect indoor growth environment

Cannabis farmers always look for new ways to improve the quality of their plants. Most of them believe that having an ideal indoor growth environment and buying seeds from leading companies like i49 is one of the best ways to ensure high quality and strong marijuana. In this article, you will learn to discuss how to make the environment grow in a perfect room.

  1. Remove moisture

Most farmers recommend a moisture level of about 40% to maintain the perfect condition of indoor growth for your plants. Too much or too little moisture can cause a lot of problems, especially root rot that can kill your plants even if it is not exposed to other dangerous factors such as mushrooms and pests.

A good way to maintain this optimal level is to use AC during the summer months (or use an extractor fan) when opening a window on moist days. This will allow you to set up how much fresh air enters without allowing excess water to evaporate from the room and affect the moisture level of your choice.

You must add your ventilation with a lot of artificial light and humidifier. It will help maintain optimal temperature and air flow while keeping the room dry for a successful factory production.

Achieving relatively ideal moisture – between 45% and 60% may be difficult with natural ventilation. That’s why you need to add you to need additional heating or cooling (depending on the season) along with one or more humidifiers. Entering both methods ensures that there is no interference in the air flow due to temperature changes. As much as vital to control moisture, you also need to buy marijuana from i49 and other online stores that have a good reputation.

  1. Make sure there is enough light

Cannabis plants need at least 12 hours of light per day. So, you need to maintain this cycle when planting in the room. If the room in the room you don’t have much natural sunshine or you live in an area with a long winter day (less sunlight) then you will need more artificial lights.

There are many types and levels of wattage for artificial lighting available on the market today, which makes finding one that is suitable for your specific situation easier than before. However, it is best to use LED lights because they tend to last longer and produce less heat than other types such as fluorescent.

  1. Prepare a hydroponic system

The next step is to set up your hydroponic system and the type of nutrient needed for space to grow in the room. You can buy these items from natural food stores to ensure that you don’t get a fake or water version. After everything gathered according to the instructions, it’s time for shipping. All plants including marijuana need water and food so make sure to have this in hand before starting too.

After all your equipment arrives safely at home, getting ready with some protective equipment such as gloves and eye protection then carefully dismantle every plant box while making sure they don’t come into contact with the designated soil correctly at the specified. The line in the tray is appointed (usually one square foot room per plant).

  1. Cover the wall with reflective material

Reflective material will help reduce heat in your growing area, which is important for plants and humans. Placing a reflective surface layer on the wall (such as a mirror or aluminum foil) can help reflect light back to its original place – making it look like there is more space than what you see behind that shiny surface! It also makes a great way to use extra furniture too.

These ingredients also reflect the lights on plants. The ingredients you choose to grow cannabis in the room will have a big impact on the final product and the environment where it grows.

One way to make sure your growing plant is to use aluminum foil or mylar sheet. These ingredients illuminate plants and increase their exposure to artificial lighting resources.

You can research how to set up reflective materials for your plants on the internet. Or, you can see what other people do by checking pictures on social media. By researching and testing various methods, you will find the best for your room in your room and improve the quality of your results. The more light is available for plants, the better their chances of producing high quality buds

  1. Temperature

Maintaining the ideal temperature range for your marijuana plant is the key to growth. The ideal temperature is between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius (or 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit).

Temperature must even in the whole room. To achieve this, you can use portable heating or AC to adjust the temperature of your space more accurately. If you go with AC, make sure it is positioned in such a way that the cold air does not blow plants from all directions.

Extreme temperatures can make your marijuana plants suffer from water shortages, excessive watering, or root rot. During the winter months when the temperature drops below 21 ° C (70 ° F), it is important to protect your garden by making a “heat sink” around individual pots to keep the heat of the plant and make it warm enough at night.

  1. Land Quality and Nutrition

You need high-quality land for your marijuana plants to grow. Better quality land will have a higher pH of about six and has nutrients such as compost, sand, moss peat, perlite, or vermiculit.

Good quality soil must also be free of heavy metals such as tin can pollute the roots and enter into your final product – this means you need to avoid the use of land from outside sources for your growth.

In addition, avoid land that has many fertilizers because they are not safe to grow marijuana. The buildup that occurs when fertilizers are closed by consumers who do not know how much actual fertilizer they need to use on their pages or gardens, can cause problems around the root of your marijuana plant and interfere with their water absorption.

Fertilizers can be used in small amounts when growing marijuana in the room as long as you have the right watering routine that includes a lot of water changes regularly, so there is no buildup around your plants.


There are many ways to ensure that your marijuana has a perfectly indoor growth environment. The most important thing is to make sure they get enough light, temperature, and moisture.

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