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‘Overwatch 2’ will complain about five people against each other

Overwatch 2 will not arrive until the early 2022, but it will change the way you play a hero shooter. During the Livestream Developer Blizzard held on Thursday, a newly printed game director Aaron Keller announced this series moving into a five-versus-player Five-Five format. With overwatch 2, your team’s composition will consist of two damage dealers, two supporting heroes and one tank. In short, you will have one sponge damage to your team in Overwatch 2 than you currently do it in Overwatch.

Mostly, this game moves to five-five format to make it more easily understood and more readable. “Sometimes, it’s hard to track what other players do on the battlefield,” Keller said. “Removing two of them that simplifies everything. It allows players to understand everything around them and make a better choice.” He also quickly showed that “overwatch has changed over time.” It might be difficult to remember the time before Blizzard introduced a role queue, but when the match came out, it was possible for more than one person on your team to play the same hero. “We feel like this is the next step in the way overwatch must be played,” Keller said.

As you can imagine, changing the number of players involved in the match has greatly affected other parts of the game. Blizzard has redesigned tanks to make it more aggressive. Some of the current changes studio are testing including new alternative fire for Cannon Tesla Winston which allows it to complete enemies that run easier. In other cases, Blizzard has made off-tanks such as D.VA more resilient by increasing their health collection and enhancing defensive abilities such as defense matrix. As a result of tweaks, game level designs must also change. In Overwatch 2, a map like Toronto and Rome will display more cover for players to duck behind. Not surprisingly, the overwatch community is not sure what to think of change, especially without knowing how the heroes like Orisa and Roadhog will enter the new meta.

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