
The spacex launch that managed to put 52 Starlink satellites into orbit

SpaceX launched a successful rocket on Saturday which put 52 new Starlink satellites in orbit along with a pair of rideshare charges. SpaceX launched Rocket Falcon 9 from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 6:56 PM EDT. Falcon 9 rocket used for flying launch for the eighth time and managed to land on a drone ship in the sea to be updated and reused in the future.

One interesting thing about this special Falcon 9 is that it is the same rocket used to put astronauts NASA Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken to ISS last year. SpaceX has no intention of slowing Starlink satellite launch because the company aims to have 40,000 satellites in orbit transmitting broadband internet connectivity back to earth.

Building a large satellite constellation will not happen quickly. Spacex currently has deadlines in mid 2027. At present, Starlink internet services are in beta and have around 10,000 customers. Spacex has warned customers of Get-Go which as beta services, their connectivity speed can slow down, and the service can go down.

The launch that managed to mark the launch of the 15th Starlink 2021. About nine minutes after taking off, the first stage of Falcon 9 rocket returned to earth, landing on a spacex drone in the ocean called “Of course I still love you.”

In the end, Starlink Internet services will be available worldwide, and SpaceX has discussed with officials in the UK about using Starlink to serve rural countries under the plan of the “Project Gigabit” of England. At present, most beta customers for Starlink are in the North AS.

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